Wednesday 29 April 2009

Quick Project

During conversation at work today we joked about the need for web app to track lunchtime squash results. I've decided to give this a go (using Google App Engine). I spent 5 minutes thinking about the relationships required and the basic app was created in less time than it takes to start a portal server.

So far I've created 2 domain classes (Player and Game). Basically we want to record the date a game was played, who won and who lost. This was pretty much done with just scaffolding. Ideally we'd like to keep a ladder perhaps sorted by winning percentage. With only 10 minutes of work the basics are there. I'll need to manipulate the views so that dates are more concise and links are by name rather than id. Also I'll need to create a couple of more views (such as the ladder) and a validator to ensure that the winner can't also be the loser!

Not sure how well Google App Engine copes with Grails yet but I believe there are a couple of tutorials out there. This is a pretty simple app so not anticipating any big issues. I'll post progress...

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