Tuesday 21 April 2009

On to CSS

After going all "scorched earth" on the grails comp and basically beginning again from scratch, I've managed to get through the many to many problem. The solution turned out to be much simpler than I'd anticipated (at least with Grails 1.1 anyway). I became confused after reading posts and sites some of which were pre grails 1.1. Anyway a sneak peak at the upcoming Grails in Action (can't wait for the full version!) and all is now good.

With a far degree of smugness I've decided to look at the CSS for the public facing pages. I'll admit to not having any design flair at all so its quite challenging. I've been using Adobe's Kuler to try and get an agreeable colour scheme and initial results are promising. Kuler allows you to upload an image and it picks out complimentary colours from that image. If you're design challenged its really useful.

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