Wednesday 1 April 2009


I know I haven't posted for a while but I have been plugging away at the Comp code. Mistakes have been made and new solutions uncovered. Its a great learning experience but time is always limited. I have guests about to stay soon so tonight I didn't want to get too involved in something that I can't play with again for a few days. So...

I found that MEAP has published (for free) the first chapter of a new book "Griffon in Action". Belonging to the same family as "Groovy in Action" and "Grails in Action" I'm thinking its also going to be of a high standard. The sample chapter unfortunately only goes into why use Griffon rather than the fulfilling 'dive in' approach of "Grails in Action". I understand the second chapter does this but sadly that's not a free one.

The big upside is the subject. Griffon is yet another framework but is for desktops apps instead of web apps. Totally awesome concept and something that has interested me since Uni. I've played with a few desktop applications before and honestly in Java it seems to be such a chore. Griffon cuts down on the code needed and brings convention to the party. It (Griffon) is still in its infancy (only version 0.1) but usable. Its certainly on the list of things to have a crack at...

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