Sunday 11 October 2009

Cool Podcasts

I haven't fallen off the blogging planet just been busy enjoying life. Family's great, friends' great, work's great (although challenging). So I've been looking for some more cool podcasts to listen to while commuting to work or performing repetitious tasks. I find I can't listen to stuff while concentrating but if something is a little monotonous I enjoy a good podcast (when not listening to classic hair metal!). Here are some of my favourite podcasts:
  • the Grails Podcast - my favourite all time podcast. Glen and Sven bring cool Groovy and Grails news whilst at the same time remaining positive and funny. I would listen to this even if I wasn't into Grails.
  • Software Engineering Podcast - this is a somewhat more sombre podcast but very educational. This is not so much a news podcast as teaching podcast.
  • Hak5 - This is a vidcast and covers a bunch of different stuff. Its got a little bit of product promotion and sponsorhip recognition but nothing that seems to compromise its integrity. Also really entertaining with a great vibe between the presenters.
  • Elegant Code Cast - I wasn't sure about this one. Its not java orientated and I have zeroo .net and c# experience but interestingly they cover some good topics. I've only listened to a couple of these but I'm going to stay on it for a bit longer.
  • Network Security Podcast - Stock standard security podcast (and I've listened to a few) and pretty informative. I like this more than Security Now (too much advertising in that one).
I look for casts that are interesting, short (ideally 30-40 mins) and entertaining. Got any suggestions? Let me know!