Tuesday 5 January 2010

New year .. new project

So its the New Year, a time when I usually make a resolution to lose weight and then after a couple of weeks its back to business as usual. This year I thought I'd like to bypass the diet resolve and make myself more accountable by blogging more. There probably aren't that many readers to this blog but the act of documenting the week to week progress of a project helps to keep me motivated.

Now what will I be blogging about? Well I've got a bit of a personal policy that I won't blog about my work at all however I'll keep all posts technical or IT related. I'm going to detail the whole start to (hopefully) finish of my next project - a record keeping system for a swim club. In addition to this I'll throw in the occasional rant just to keep it interesting.

The Problem

My mate is a swimming coach and he needs to be able to record times from meets and competitions. Sure he could use a spreadsheet but ideally he wants to link the data to a site that swimmers can access and track their own progress. Cost is an issue too so the hosting solution needs to be cheap (Google App Engine did you say?) I've looked a this problem before and time became an issue. Following the squash ladder project I think I've learned some more tricks so hopefully my productivity will be much improved.

More to follow soon...

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