Saturday, 11 July 2009

When does it end?

So its been awhile since I last blogged. Things have been going swimmingly with the squashLadder with basic functionality built and I find myself questioning when I should call it finished. I have a number of other ideas for interesting projects so when do I walk away from this one? I find these phases of a project difficult to get past. The app is pretty much at a 1.0 stage and is usable, indeed is being used to record our work squash games so is it time to move on?

Normally I could seek counsel and direction from the great Grails sage but alas he's on sabbatical. Therefore prior to sitting at the keyboard tonight, I tried to channel the Kenobi like advice that I thought he may have provided and this is what I came up with.

The original purpose of the app was just to learn not necessarily to build a plain old app. Rather than just being satisfied with the mediocre app, I should push the boundaries and do the extra stuff that make the learning worthwhile. Here's a list of stuff that would be cool:
  • add line chart to front page showing win percentage trends for each player
  • add some sort of cool fade in transition on the stats page to cycle between a players matches & wins / trending vs players and form-o-meter
  • remember me functionality
  • ability to add groups of games (via checkboxes) rather than having to individually enter each game.
I guess building another app would reinforce some of the things that I've learned so far but the ladder has been such a great vehicle for learning that I should continue with it.

If you've got suggestions for features that you think would be cool, please let me know.