Normally I could seek counsel and direction from the great Grails sage but alas he's on sabbatical. Therefore prior to sitting at the keyboard tonight, I tried to channel the Kenobi like advice that I thought he may have provided and this is what I came up with.
The original purpose of the app was just to learn not necessarily to build a plain old app. Rather than just being satisfied with the mediocre app, I should push the boundaries and do the extra stuff that make the learning worthwhile. Here's a list of stuff that would be cool:
- add line chart to front page showing win percentage trends for each player
- add some sort of cool fade in transition on the stats page to cycle between a players matches & wins / trending vs players and form-o-meter
- remember me functionality
- ability to add groups of games (via checkboxes) rather than having to individually enter each game.
If you've got suggestions for features that you think would be cool, please let me know.