Friday, 16 January 2009

Back to the Grails Comp

I've recently been on holidays and contrary to what I had planned I have not touched any coding in the last week or so. So today it was time to get back on the coding horse. I'm planning to spend around an hour each day working on the grails comp project (without checking email, twitter or anything else).

So today was the day to take stock and see where the project is at. Firstly I had previously had a working version0.1 and decided to merge that back to Master and then to work out of master. One of the problems I have is that I seem to have quite a few branches that I've experimented with so will need to check each of them and take the good bits.

I spent some time ginning around with git and Netbeans this morning and had hoped to avoid this time wastage but am currently thinking that it will be good to use Netbeans power to assist with debugging down the track. I need to spend more time organising my versioning before diving into the next big issue.

Following this, the next thing will be to work out how to have custom prize objects instead of using strings to describe a prize. Initially this seemed quite simple however its the creation of a new competition that requires a new prize at the same time that makes things tricky. This would seem to be a fairly common problem with any web app ie creating a new object that contains a new object of another type so it will be great to get this problem solved. If you're interested download the code and/or follow along here at Github